Windtracer Tales Introduction and Season List
An introduction to the Windtracer Tales and the adventures of the Windtracer Company
Concerning History
For generations, the Ancient Order unified the world, bringing prosperity like never before seen. Then, it was gone. Swept away by what some call The Great Collapse.
After a thousand years, we still don’t know what happened.
But there are clues. Hints. Pieces to the greatest puzzle in history in ruins of the Ancient Order. Remnants of their greatest works.
There are many that debate if the knowledge of the Ancient Order should be rekindled. It’s former glory restored to life. Others argue that the Ancient Order’s legacy should remain lost. Some even suggest that the Collapse may still be happening now. Certainly, the magic storms and other wild magics that scour the world suggest that something dire lingers from the disaster.
But there are guilds that look to preserve the lost knowledge. The Windtracer Company is one of those organizations that seek to preserve the knowledge of the Ancients. These mercenary-historians scour the forgotten corners of Awldor, into restricted ruins and the dark places. They explore, learn, and share what they find.
They collect this knowledge so that others can learn from the past. Not to rekindle the old Order, but to build something new… while not repeating whatever dire mistake the Ancient Order made.
In the end, the Windtracers hope to decipher why the Great Collapse happened. Through that, perhaps a way to prevent it from happening again.
- Lorekeeper Nicol Oldbuck, 1277 by Windtracer reckoning
Season 1: Dark Device of the Great Chasm (current)
Just joined in? Start Here: Chapter 1, Summer, 1277, deep in the rain forest of the Chivit Continent
Chapter 2, Five weeks of sail later. Amates 15, 1277. Windtracer Company Records Hall, City of Ishnanor. Planus Continent
Chapter 3, Amates 15, 1277. Later that afternoon. Underside District. City of Ishnanor. Planus Continent
Chapter 4, Amates 15, 1277. Salty Nightingale. Underside District on the marsh-side. Where the trouble really began…
Chapter 5, Amates 15, 1277. Tagrica Silk Square. Underside district, Ishnanor. Walking to a safer place because there was a lot of explaining to do…
Chapter 6, Amates 19, 1277. Somewhere on the Planus continent, aboard the Sheldrake, moving northeast of Ishnanor.
Chapter 7, Amates 19, 1277. Town of Banye, on the Planus continent, northeast of Ishnanor.
Chapter 8, Amates 19, 1277. Town of Banye, in the Buckhorn Boardinghouse. The only inn in town.
Chapter 9, Amates 19, 1277. Mid-afternoon. Town of Banye. Walking down the south side of town.
Chapter 10, Amates 20, 1277. Just past midnight. Town of Banye, aboard the Sheldrake, trying not to wake anyone up.
Chapter 11, Amates 20, 1277. Town of Banye, far too early in the morning. Nursing bruises and a cup of coffee.
Chapter 12, Amates 20, 1277. Town of Banye, early evening. Working just inside Mikasi’s half-open forge in the back of his workshop. The best time for a stupid idea.
Chapter 13, Amates 20, 1277, later that same evening. Middle of nowhere in the prairie.
Chapter 14, Amates 20, 1277. Still evening. Still swimming nose-deep in trouble. Inside an overly fancy tent in the middle of nowhere.
Chapter 15, Amates 20, 1277. Evening. In the middle of way too much trouble.
Chapter 16, Amates 21, 1277. Early morning on the prairie after having been tossed out like a sack of potatoes with no coffee in sight.
Chapter 17, Amates 21, 1277. Mid-morning. Alone with my thoughts, and a little more. The latter wasn’t the best company.
Chapter 18, Amates 21, 1277. Probably still mid-morning. Definitely still no coffee. At least the ground had stopped shaking.
Chapter 19, Amates 21, 1277. Underground, unarmed, in the middle of nowhere, with only one light. Things have been worse…
Chapter 20, Amates 21, 1277. On a platform, in an unknown ruin, under the middle of nowhere in the plains. This was getting to be a really long day.
Chapter 21, Amates 21, 1277. Coming face to face with what I believe is true.
Chapter 22, Amates 29, 1277. Outside the town of Talabrae’s Deep at the edge of the Great Chasm.
Chapter 23, Amates 29, 1277. Outside the town of Talabrae’s Deep at the edge of the Great Chasm.
Chapter 24, Amates 29, 1277. Searching the Obsidian Armory library and learning a few new things…
Chapter 25, Amates 29, 1277. Still in the Obsidian Armory, only this time learning more than I bargained for.
Chapter 26, Amates 31, 1277. Mid-morning. Depths of the Great Chasm, on the way to the Long Deep ruins. Not exactly a walk in the park.
Chapter 27, Amates 31, 1277. Later that same morning. A brief hike between the rocks and into the lion’s den...
Chapter 28, Amates 31, 1277. Taking a wrong turn for the right reasons.
Chapter 29, Amates 31, 1277. Finding new lows to our highs.
Chapter 30, Amates 31, 1277. Still underground in the ruins. Felt like mid-afternoon to my stomach.
Chapter 31, Amates 31, 1277. Past the double doors, where we found some answers, and a little bit of a surprise.
Chapter 32, Amates 31, 1277. Past the panels and below. We didn’t find trouble; it came looking for us.
Chapter 33, Amates 31, 1277. Just when I thought I had everything figured out…
Chapter 34, Amates 31, 1277. No one said this would be easy. If they had, I would’ve called them a liar.
Chapter 35, Amates 31, 1277. A storm can get you moving better than a cup of coffee. This just wasn’t anything like a storm…
Chapter 36, Darolio 2, 1277. Morning coffee aboard the Sheldrake. Looking at the past to see my way forward…
Chapter 37, Darolio 10, 1277. Never ask a question unless you’re ready for the answer…
Windtracer Tales is a work of pure, unashamed fiction. In fact, it considers itself rather fancy and quite proud of itself. Names of characters, places, events, organizations and locations are all creations of the author’s imagination for this fictitious setting. Any resemblance to persons living, dead, or reanimated is coincidental. The opinions expressed are those of the characters and should not be confused with the author’s, since the characters and the author tend to disagree a lot.Â
Also! Windtracer Tales and Windtracer: Adventures in Awldor is written with much respect to Starfarertheta and their work on the other half of Awldor.
I started this not knowing what to think, except that now that I'm into my edits, I can start to catch up on my reading.
I'm so looking forward to diving in to this one! Thank you. I need an escape 🥰