The world ended in 1712. It happened all at once, and the next day no one knew what to expect. Nations, lands, even entire cultures were turned upside down overnight. Refugees from another world now call Earth home. Everything was changed, if not transformed - including people.
People like me.
There are those who plan to use what happened to their advantage, no matter who they hurt. They can try.
But they’ll find us standing in their way.
- Doctor Pedro Sangre, Alchemist and Privateer
Transformed by the cataclysm of 1712, Doctor Pedro Sangre and his four courageous privateer companions confront mysterious and evil forces that plague innocent people. Together, they grapple with uncanny forces and myths come to life, risking everything to preserve peace and set right what has gone wrong.
Season 1: Death Whispers of the Etherwave
A daring mission to recover the Codex Luminari from the ruined Library of Lësarilis thrusts Doctor Sangre and his companions into a deadly game of cat and mouse. The stakes? Recover the book from a mysterious foe, and rescue an enemy who wants them dead!
Chapter 2: Best of bad choices
Chapter 4: The Best Laid Plans
Chapter 5: Unexpected Consequences
Chapter 6: Questions for Answers
Chapter 7: A Slight Cause for Concern
Chapter 8: Just a Little Bad Blood
Chapter 9: Dire Warnings and Malcontents
Chapter 10: Dubious Elixirs and Dire Information
Chapter 11: An Unwelcome Committee
Hoist the Colors is a work of pure, unabashed fiction. Actually, when it's not swinging off the rigging, or shivering some timbers, it's rather shy and retiring. Did I mention it enjoys baking? Names of characters, places, events, organizations and locations are all creations of the author’s imagination for this fictitious setting. So he really is all to blame here.
Any resemblance to persons living, dead, shoved overboard, or reanimated is coincidental. The opinions expressed are those of the characters and should not be confused with the author's, since the characters and the author tend to disagree a lot.
I love the any resemblance to ... section 🤣
I can wait. I think I can wait. Wait. Why am I waiting? You need to release this now!!! 🤯 Okay. I'm back to waiting.