Amates 31, 1277. Past the panels and below. We didn’t find trouble; it came looking for us.
So happy I picked this serial back up. This was an awesome chapter. Tela's resourcefulness is one of my favorite qualities of hers. on to the next one.
She really is fun. I'm a sucker for a hero who uses their wits to solve a problem, even if it may get them in more trouble!
Me too!
What????? Wow!!! And now I have to wait a week to see what happens??? Okay, I'm not mad. Not hating you, at all. 🤭 Fantastic installment!👏👏👏
😁Thank you. Wait until you see what comes next!
I am waiting... impatiently. HA! Sounds like it's worth the wait. 😉
Well, I think, I believe, it will.
Puzzles within puzzles! A revelation! A confrontation! The end is near!
Ah but is it really that easy?
No surprise, I feel like I’m right there with your characters. Ah, how will this unfold?
Thank you! And it gets real fun ( and hopefully unexpected ) from here!
So happy I picked this serial back up. This was an awesome chapter. Tela's resourcefulness is one of my favorite qualities of hers. on to the next one.
She really is fun. I'm a sucker for a hero who uses their wits to solve a problem, even if it may get them in more trouble!
Me too!
What????? Wow!!! And now I have to wait a week to see what happens??? Okay, I'm not mad. Not hating you, at all. 🤭 Fantastic installment!👏👏👏
😁Thank you. Wait until you see what comes next!
I am waiting... impatiently. HA! Sounds like it's worth the wait. 😉
Well, I think, I believe, it will.
Puzzles within puzzles! A revelation! A confrontation! The end is near!
Ah but is it really that easy?
No surprise, I feel like I’m right there with your characters. Ah, how will this unfold?
Thank you! And it gets real fun ( and hopefully unexpected ) from here!