Author’s Note: Death Whispers of the Etherwave is a serialized fiction story that is a part of Legends of the Privateers. Each chapter will appear weekly.
A delightful installment! I would have loved to watch the show, especially with Pedro's participation. Can't wait for the next one--sounds like trouble is coming in the form of a nasty woman!
Pedro just can't catch a break, can he? "Talk to Morowen." Run away! Run away!
😂 Nope, he cannot catch a break at all! You know, he's just thinking "oh damn... what's going to happen now...?"
He just needs a nice Caribbean vacation. Oh, wait . . .
A delightful installment! I would have loved to watch the show, especially with Pedro's participation. Can't wait for the next one--sounds like trouble is coming in the form of a nasty woman!
Hey, she does owe him a favor. All he has to do is just go find her and ask! How hard can this be?
I sense that she won't want to give the favor, so I expect a complication. 😉
Rum elixirs and sea hags, what next? I like Jasper — it would be fun to hear his spiel.
Oh, he was fun to write, even if it was for this chapter. There was a lot more with him being a downright character and a half.
It's nice to see there is still some light frivolity going on in the world in between the living dead curses and carnivorous books.
Well everyone needs some frivolity between bouts of impending death!! 😁