Author’s Note: Death Whispers of the Etherwave is a serialized fiction story that is a part of Legends of the Privateers. Each chapter will appear bi-weekly.
Pedro and Han Solo have bad feelings about thing, and they always seem to be true premonitions. Listen to your gut!
They are often not wrong!
Loving the Doctor and his crew! Can't wait to see what kind of trouble they'll get into next. 😉
And there will be plenty!
Cool, which is a strange thing to say about trouble, but you know what I mean.
LOL! Yes, I do!
Pedro and Han Solo have bad feelings about thing, and they always seem to be true premonitions. Listen to your gut!
They are often not wrong!
Loving the Doctor and his crew! Can't wait to see what kind of trouble they'll get into next. 😉
And there will be plenty!
Cool, which is a strange thing to say about trouble, but you know what I mean.
LOL! Yes, I do!